Sunday, 16 March 2014

Desy - Newspaper Designs - Nachlat Binyamina - Milestones Israel

Nachlat Binyamina has a huge range of Artist's work to admire, but one of the many that caught my eye , was DESY - Newspaper Designs. So here is what I can tell you about Desy and her designs.

By using newspapers, she creates products such as baskets, newspaper and magazine holders , boxes for storage, remote holders and other items you might find useful around your house. The highlight of her art, is not just that it is made by such a simple disposable product as newspaper which we see every day. The only newspapers which she uses to create her products are "Happy News"  - For Desy's products, she only uses newspapers that are made from happy story articles

In a place such as Israel - we can analyse this like no one else. Most of the news here is negative. She has used the news of Israel in its weakest spot as a way to make something beautiful out of it. When I asked her why, she replied that she wanted to make something beautiful and useful out of something that we dispose of without any thought. Who could have ever even considered of recycling something and making it into Art? OK I am aware that in the world of modern art , there are such designs that are made by recycling products, to show that even after once someone has used it they can be made into something beautiful and admirable.

So a few details to share with you. Desy Designs is hard to reach online as there is no website or FB page, however she is contactable by phone - 0524229206, and also if you are in Tel Aviv during the event of Nachlat Binyamin(Tuesday and Friday from 9.30 until 4.30) then go and please take a visit

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