Sunday, 9 February 2014

Milestones Israel - Why Milestones and not Kilometers...?

So...why did he choose such a name? In what relation do milestones have to do with anything related towards tourism?

Milestones Israel is generally a setting where it allows the tourist to connect with Israel on a much more personalized and intimate level. Not your standard package holiday, not your birthright tour, it is quintessentially designed specifically for the individuals , catered to their distinct tastes and requirements.

Milestones is another term for an accomplishment, or a step which you have achieved in your life and you are now moving onwards. Therefore  - Milestones Israel should offer and does offer exactly that.

As opposed to the more common types of trips to Israel this one is fitted to an individual and just a few days ago I was lucky enough to participate. With my own eyes I got to see it all happen. It made things a lot clearer to understand for me, as I got to see that Erez is one of the main features , with a large amount of energy and enthusiasm , as well as his knowledge flaunted , (he really knows his stuff). So within just a few hours that I spent - I was able to see what uniqueness that Milestones Israel really brings to the table.

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